Elections of Board
"Candidates for elected officer positions, with the exception of the Trustee, shall be nominated and elected at the regular October meeting. Nominations from the general membership will also be accepted at the September meeting. Those elected shall be installed at the regular January meeting, and take office at the beginning of that meeting."
Board Member terms are 1 year. The Trustee's term is 10 years and coincides with the W4BBB FCC license renewal.
See Resources tab for list of current officers and contact information
RACK Officers Contact Info
01 - President - Freddy Kittrell, KO4JLK
02 - First Vice President - Steven Patrick, KO4JJU
03 - Second Vice President - Paul James, N2PJ
04 - Third Vice President - Billy Staggs, K4DQL
05 - Treasurer Jay Sadler, KD4AYU
06 - Secretary Jerry Nantz, KD4TNX
07 - Hamfest Chair - Lou Dreinhoefer WB3JKQ
08 - Education Director - Willard Sitton, W4HZD
09 - Disaster & Emergency Response Director - Jim Fetzer, KJ4SHW
10 - Trustee - David Thomas , KM4NYI
11 - Past President - Jim Norman, N4CFB