Radio Amateur Club of Knoxville Welcomes You!

The Radio Amateur Club of Knoxville (RACK) was founded in 1954 as a way 

of promoting the interest of amateur radio operators in the Knoxville Tennessee area.

Check out our Meetings & Events HERE

Read Letters from RACK President

2024 Hamfest Info & Documents

If you would like to make a donation to RACK, click on the PayPal® link shown below.

It's safe, secure, and tax deductible!

Fellow Amateurs,

Brice Umstead, K0CSJ, became SK, Sunday, July 7th .

No services planned at this time.

Jim Norman,  N4CFB


 RACK  Meeting

August 19th

Wallace Memorial Baptist Church, 701 Merchant Drive, Knoxville TN

Join or update your membership to RACK here

 RACK Membership Info 


    2023 Photos: 

2023 HamFest

 2023 Photos: Knoxville HamFest