Items for Sale 

Posts by RACK Members

*Please contact Lou to post an item for sale.

My good friend and business partner Jerry, W4JFH, died recently. I am helping his widow sell his radio gear. I have prepared a spreadsheet with models, descriptions and pictures. Would it be possible to somehow disseminate it to RACK members? It is about 30 items only, but she needs to get things sold ASAP to help with ongoing expenses.




See Items listed below Contact Tom, 865-983-1495

Jerry's Ham Radio Gear.pdf

1) EXL B&S Gas Generator, 8 KW 220/120 volt, runs fine --  $700

Seller Contact: 

Jim Norman (RACK President), 865-310-8310

Added January 2024

1) TS120S. $100

2) Kenwood TS530S. $100

3) Kenwood TS830S. $100

4) Drake MN 2000 Tuner. $125

5) MFJ 922. $40

Seller Contact: 

Marvin Dotson, 865-742-0257

Added January 24, 2024