Letters from RACK President

December 30, 2024

Good morning,operators!

Today is Monday December,30th…as you all know,this evening,@2100,the RACK Tech Net,will take place.Would anyone like to volunteer to serve as “Net Control”,for this historic weekly event? It is my belief,that full participation in any organizational event,tends to only enrich the organization,as well as act as a catalyst to other beneficial effects,too! …let’s all make the upcoming year (2025) a great success,

            Thank you,All!

            Best regards,


Hello Fellow Amateurs,

I hope everyone has a Great Christmas holiday and you enjoy your festivities. Thank you for supporting our club and I look forward to seeing everyone in the coming year.

Merry Christmas and keep all public servants in your prayers,

Jim Norman. N4CFB


December 2024

August 2023

Hello Fellow Amateurs,

I hope all is well with everyone. Some people of our community were not so fortunate. Which brings me to this point. If any of us have any prepper tendencies, the F2 tornado of 07Aug23 should bring our awareness of being prepared. It can happen at any second so we should always be prepared. Batteries charged, gobag ready, etc. I am so thankful that there were no major injuries and the damage was mostly property. Thank you to all first responders and utility crews as they restored power to the affected area.

Our August meeting will be with METERS. The attendance should be larger than normal because of this and what we will be doing at the meeting. Our Zoom presenter will be ARRL Emergency Manager Josh Johnston. He will be the first on the agenda, so dont be late. We will also be having a drawing for a FT-65r, portable radio. The winner does have to be present to win. We will be giving away one of these fine radios at meetings in the future, so get your name in the hat for the drawing.

I want all members to be thinking of what each of us can do to be an active participant in the club. We have an election coming up, and I would like to have a full slate of persons wanting to be on the Board of directors. Bring your ideas to the meeting and discuss them.

We will be having our October '23 meeting at Cokesbury Church. It will be an active event, so put it on your calendar and be there to enjoy fellowship and what is new with our Comm Van. The van team works very diligently keeping the vehicle up to date and new "stuff" to make it a great tool of the club.

Our December meeting will be at Loui's restaurant. Make your plans to attend. Freddy Kittrell will have more information at the meeting.

This is just a few of the many events we are planning. With the Hamfest venue changing, all our repeaters are running, and new ideas are being brought to the table, the club is in good shape. So again, come be an active member!

Keep our military personnel, law enforcement, first responders and government officials in your prayers.

See you at the meeting,

Jim Norman, N4CFB


We feel this is such a great opportunity to hear ARRL Emergency Manager Josh Johnston speak that we still want you to join in via Zoom if you cannot make it to the meeting. You will not be entered into the drawing for the radio.

Hello Fellow Amateurs,

We had a fantastic turnout for our dinner Tuesday evening. Food and fellowship was very good.

I want to let everyone know RACK has been donated a couple of radios that we are going to sell. All proceeds go the club.

Both have been checked and work well.

  1)Kenwood TS-570s, 6-160, No power cords or microphone. $450

  2) Yaesu FT-990,10=160, with built in power supply. No power cord or  

      microphone $550

 Contact me if interested.

  Jim Norman, N4CFB



 I want to say Merry Christmas to everyone!

Jim Norman, N4CFB

President RACK

December 5th,2021

Hello Fellow Amateurs,

I hope everyone is doing well. I haven't gained much weight,, yet.

As you know, if you want to participate, we have supported Wallace Memorial Baptist church by donating children's gifts to the church.

We will be having a social meeting this Saturday, 12/11/21 at Bojangles's at the corner of Weisgarber and Middlebrook Pike.  We will be there from. 9am till 10am. to have coffee, biscuits, fellowship and a drop off point for the donated children's gifts.

Come on by and enjoy the get together!

 Jim Norman, N4CFB


Nov 17, 2021

Hello Fellow Amateurs,

Fall has finally arrived and I hope you get the tower work completed before it gets too cold! We say that every year.

Our Nov meeting will be this Thursday, Nov 18, 2021 7pm at Wallace Memorial Baptist Church. We will be having a video presentation about one of the hottest topics in the area. Endfed wire antenna. Also, I have a EFHW kit that I will have on display to show how it looks before and display again when finished. It is very similar to one used at Field Day back in June. We are looking to have some projects to build and/or check out equipment on days other than regular meeting times. Any suggestions?

The Board voted not to have a Christmas Party this year due to covid concerns. But, as in years past, we have donated wrapped childrens gifts to WMBC to give to the less fortunate. If you want to participate, we will have more information as to a drop off point or how we can get these gifts to the church.

The 6m repeater will be down for at least a week due to being upgraded. We will keep you informed on the progress and when it will be down. We will have a 220mhz repeater on the air soon, hopefully by the first of the year. A lot is going on, so please stay patient as we strive on getting our system in top shape.

I'm looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Keep our Military, Government and Law Enforcement officials in your prayers.

 See you soon,

   Jim Norman, N4CFB

   President RACK