Letters from the RACK President
Hello Fellow Amateurs,
If you didn't get to the Hamfest, you missed a great event. The tailgate area was full, people didn't leave till after noon.
Inside dealers were busy keeping up with hams buying stuff. The presentations were very well attended and informative. Thanks you to K4DQL, ARRL, and Kevin for presenting for us hams. And all the people who help set up Friday, tear down and clean up Saturday and sacrificed their time to work and make this event successful.
The Hamfest was very well run and I want to thank Lou for picking up the event when our elected director had to move to Wyoming.
Upcoming this weekend will be Field Days. This gathering will display our ability to be on the air in less than perfect conditions and also demonstrate to the public what we do and are capable of doing. If a person wants to operate on HF bands on club equipment, or see a demonstration on soldering, this is the place. We will start setting up about 10am, operating at 1400, there all night. Food will be provided around meal times, snacks and drinks all the time.
In between transmissions, education, stories and good times will be had.
Field Days for RACK/METERS participation will be at Ft. Dickerson off Chapman Hwy.
I want to see everyone at Field Days, so come by and check us out.
Talk-in will be on 147.300.
Keep our Military, Law Enforcement and government officials in your prayers.
Jim Norman, N4CFB
President RACK
President METERS
Knox County ARES EC